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Meet Mona

author & mom


I am an author, mama of five, mimi of eleven, and homeschool teacher to only one more! I have been sharing from my heart in person, longer than I can remember, and online, to some degree or another, since 2008! I am a Christian woman who has had to restructure my life, figure out who I am (again), and walk into healing Truth after the death of my husband.

Hello, I'm Mona

I have had to learn what it means to fully rely on Jesus to recover from such a huge loss and find ways to move forward towards hope and healing. I want to take the resources and tools that have helped me to heal and share them with you, my sisters, to walk alongside you in your journey.


At the end of 2018, we were thrown into the biggest battle of our lives. My hubby, Ed, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma NOS stage 4. Rare. Complicated.  The battle with my hubby ended in May of 2021. He is free now. No more pain. My battle, however, became more furious on that same day. The man I greatly loved had a change of address…and everything in my path rerouted.




How will I heal? Will I ever be happy again? Who will hug me? Hold me? What calling will I hear? How will I ever breathe again? How am I going to parent a teenager alone? How will I provide? Will the dark that closes in ever be broken by light? Will I ever be able to forgive people? Why do I feel so alone when my cup runneth over with family and friends? How will this affect my children and grandchildren? How could God…? Why is there so much fear?


These and many more questions plagued me throughout the months. The questions were constantly followed and badgered by a sea of lies from the enemy. Not too much unlike your own journey, perhaps? I want you to come with me on a walk…a 50 mile west walk. Let’s discover truths together and let me show you how to overcome the overwhelm daily, so that our hearts and souls can mend the crack that runs so deep.



While I am saddened that we have to share this common bond, I am very grateful that we can have a tribe that can journey together.


Plan A became Plan B… plot twist… God’s Plan A is still Plan A.


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